1st October, 2011 was the moment of reflection in in Lukulu- Zambia at the Diamond Jubilee of Sancta Maria Parish.
The jubilee was well attend by parishioners and the Christian Brothers who originates from here. the Brothers travelled to celebrate this event includes Brs. Isaac, Lubasi, Brian and Revy Hang'andu representing the DLT.
Revy spoke well of the Brothers role in the mission. And many congregations wh have served in Lukulu had time to share their experience and the New Mongu Dioces Bisshop who is from Lukulu paid tribute to missionaries and encouraged the faithful to show the fruits of the faith planted by many servants of God died and alive alike.
The Jubilants were invited to reflect on what fruits we can harvest in the 75 years of evangelization in Lukulu. The feet of the many missionaries who started and served in the mission of Sancta Maria were blessed. In difficult conditions the Capuchins, laboured to make the first foundation. With determination they continued to live in hope that one day Sancta Maria will become a place where people can encounter God. Blessed indeed are the Holy Cross Sisters who followed and collaborated in many ways in making Lukulu a place where people can encounter Jesus Christ. The contribution of the Church to education is another reason for celebration.
In three speeches read the line "As we celebrate this Jubilee we are also aware of the presence of the Christian Brothers as they continue to minister in Sancta Maria Parish through education. Missionaries come and go"
And Revy in is speech assured the people of Lukulu that the Brothers will remain in Lukulu to respond to needs of the time.
There are three Religious congregations labouring in Sancta Maria at the moment; Missionary Oblates, Loreto
Sisters and Christian Brothers ,
All in all the Lay Faithful of Lukulu have also contributed to the
growth of Sancta Maria Parish.
Bishop Evans Chinyemba, O.M.I Raised the following Questions (as extracted directly from his speech)
"To all the missionaries whose feet have carried the Gospel to
Lukulu, I thank you. May thanks also go to the many generations of Lukulu residents who
have continued to be hospitable to the missionaries who have worked in Lukulu.
A celebration of 75 years of evangelization is a big event. In our reflections too, we have to see
how Sancta Maria has grown in terms of faith. Are sacraments being celebrated? Are people
still being baptised and confirmed? Do we have Christians who are living in marriages
recognized by the Church? Are there local vocations coming from the Parish of Lukulu? Since
Sancta Maria received its first Catholic Faith 75 years ago, is the parish considering itself as a
sending Parish now? These are questions for reflection as we celebrate this Jubilee.
Happy Diamond Jubilee to Lukulu. Happy Independence to Zambia. And Happy Mission
Month to all of us in the Diocese and Beyond.
+Evans C.
Bishop of Mongu."
But i have deeply feel there are more questions to ask ourselves especially the Christian Brothers who are involved in schools and Advocacy. How are we responding to the needs of the people of Lukulu? Are really needed or we are forcing ourselves to feel we are important?
I ask these questions from the experience i have had in the months i have been in Lukulu and the response and attitude of the people. Its almost to effectively assess our message of empowering those we come in contact as the people have more of the dependence syndrome and seems to be at home with handouts.
I keep wondering what creative ways can we as Brothers do our ministry in line with needs of the time and this place ? or could it be that we have overstayed doing our ministries in the same.
May we be blessed as we keep the alive the memories Jesus and the spirit of Blessed Edmund Rice
SYDNEY MUPONDA-Lukulu Community
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